2. I have no pictures to share -- haven't even dusted off my camera in over a week! UGH. I hope to remedy this tomorrow with some shots of my girls. It feels weird to be off the photography wagon, but at the same time I am gearing up with lots of ideas for newborn pictures! =)
3. The pregnancy is going fine, but nothing too interesting to report. I am having lots of Braxton Hicks and twinges and pokes. LOL! But I am READY for her to come - bags are mostly ready, house is mostly clean, and I am tired of hurting. Tired of hurting enough to welcome the thought of just being plain old tired from having a newborn in the house! C'mon baby girl!!!
4. I am too pregnant to be out in public. Seriously, I went to Target yesterday and easily a dozen people asked if I needed help (and not just employees), and another dozen asked when the baby was due. I love that this indicates that people are thoughtful, but when I go to the store in a hat and no make-up, I'd rather just be left alone. *snerk* Plus, these people don't know what they are getting into if they acknowledge my other two children, because then it is at least five minutes before I get the girls to stop talking long enough to make my escape! Where DO they get that from?!?
5. Is anyone else as inept at getting stains out of clothes as I am? My kids seem to stain everything - and if it doesn't come out with the first treatment, I can never get it out! Any tips out there for set in stains that someone has seen work?!? And please tell me my kids aren't the only ones who figure out a way to get something on every piece of clothing that touches their skin?!?
6. Made a modified version of Pioneer Woman's Chicken Parmesan last night for dinner. YUM. Seriously satisfying!!! Going to try to make her Peach Cobbler sometime this week too. Because, you know, I don't have enough butter in my life.
7. I am dying for a trip to the beach. The end.
8. Lauren is becoming a follower -- and it really cracks me up. She says her favorite color is now blue, because Camryn's favorite color is blue. Then she immediately says she still loves pink, only now she loves blue just as much. She is also obsessed with dinosaurs, because Porter loves dinosaurs. She can tell you all about them from a game she plays on PBS! I just can't wait to hear the funny things she will suddenly love after making new friends at school.
9. I had a wonderful weekend with Jaclyn - we went shopping, went to the spa, and ate a LOT. It was really nice to focus on our friendship without having to field our children, and a welcome relaxing break from the routine! Thanks for making it happen, Jaclyn!!!
10. Anyone have fabulous ideas for simple meals that are mostly pantry items? I need to stock up a few more things to make once the baby makes her appearance, but am officially out of room in my freezer. Thoughts?
Happy Tuesday to all!