1. Firstly, my prayers and thoughts go out to the families that lost children and loved ones last week. When I pray for them, God lays on my heart to pray for the parents with regret in their hearts. They sent their children off to school, and perhaps it was a bad morning... we had so.very.many fights in the mornings before school! I also pray we all pause a little more, be thankful for those we love, and remember more vividly that no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Loss happens every day to many, many people - the most we can do is be utterly thankful for all the people still in our lives at this moment!
2. For me, I am snuggling longer, listening closer, and affirming my children purposefully this week. And I pray the Lord will remind me to do all those things more often as the doldrums of regular life return next month. We have been on our "big break" from school last month and this month, firstly because it is my busy season for photography, and secondly to enjoy the holiday time without the added stress of homeschool. I still haven't figured the whole thing out - but we will begin again in January with a new pattern, a new approach, a new "type" of school (which I am still putting together in my head)!
3. We are doing advent activities again this year, something every day. We wrote them on the inside of these paper rings for the girls to tear off as our countdown. But, I have tried much harder this year not to be "ruled" by the activities... we have switched them, changed them, and omitted some in order to do a different activity that presented itself. It has felt a lot less annoying this year. =)
4. You know what is NOT less annoying?!? The Elf on the Shelf. Why did I ever do this to myself?!?
5. I will go back and do a post about Paige;s birthday, promise! I have not forgotten her!!!
6. I am done with sessions until after Christmas! That is a great feeling! Time to relax a little and enjoy the festivities this week! I do have a couple family-members who would probably like their pictures sometime THIS YEAR, so I will try to get those done on this week "off"!
7. Justin playing "Hungry, Hungry, Hippos" with his girls! Though I have nostalgic feelings about this game, 25 years later it seems a lot less fun because of how LOUD it is! Four people banging plastic on plastic as fast and hard as possible... great invention.
8. I thought I was done Christmas shopping three times, and I continue to remember something else that needs to get done. I used to be a rather organized, list-making person. What happened to her?
9. We got to play n the snow on Sunday! It was really great - and the girls all had a blast! That is, until the snowball fight on the way to the car... our oldest is just not tough enough for those types of games.
10. Anyone care to share their favorite holiday recipes? I want to make some serious food this week! =)