Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Contagious Laughter

Laughter is one of those words that JUST doesn't look right to me today. Do you ever have that happen??? Really annoying. ANYway...

Lauren loves to make Paige laugh. Her favorite technique for enticing the laughter is to laugh herself. This really loud, obnoxious, FAKE laugh. It kind of reminds me of the Riddler... but it does it for Paige! We had one such episode after lunchtime today:

See? Cracking UP! That is just the best.
I had to try and get a shot of what she was seeing during all of this hoopla...

but no matter how close I got to that wall (while kneeling on our couch and trying oh-so-hard not to flat out ruin the moment with the presence of my camera), this was the best I could get.

It is these adorable sister moments that make me glad we didn't just have one child. Hopefully I can remember to dig out these kind of shots to relax me when they are fighting over who gets to wear what shirt in 13 years or so. Eeeek!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sibling laughter is just awesome! I see it in our neighbors kids all the time. So funny. And you can't help but laugh too.