Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1.  We are back to bribing Lauren to take naps.  She gets a happy face on her chart for every day she naps, and when she has 10 she is headed to the movie theater!  Two down, eight to go!!!  It appears to be working... just wondering what we will have to bribe her with next!

2.  Speaking of Lauren, we signed her up for her first class - ballet/tap at the community center.  She starts in two weeks and I can't wait!  I think because it stirs up thoughts of pictures I have seen of myself at four or five in my ballet garb.  Plus, every girl loves an excuse to buy a cute little outfit.  ;o)

3.  Paige is teething.  Two year old molars.  After months without drool and teething rash, they are back with a vengance and I was not ready!

4.  I am proud to say we have now rid ourselves of all the plastic sippy cups and fully switched over to Klean Kanteen stainless steel.  Now I just have to find some small regular cups for Lauren to use at the table -- our Ikea ones have got to be just as bad if not worse than the sippies were!

5.  Speaking of going green (ISH), I am going to start making my own household cleaners.  Did you know you can clean nearly any surface in your home with vinegar, water, baking soda, and lemon juice?  I'm going to give it a shot after Justin leaves next week.

6.  Justin leaves NEXT WEEK?!?  It is September people.  I can hardly believe it!!!  While it is still blazing hot outside, September comes with the promise of a downward turn on the desert thermostat.  Even if it is only a little at a time, this makes me very happy.

7.  Doctor Hummus makes the.best. rosemary pita chips.  Not that I have ever had rosemary pita chips before, but these are amazing!

8.  Paige is obsessed with stickers now.  This would be fine, except we are at the oh-so-fun age of Mommy having to peel off each sticker for her since her chubby little fingers can't quite get it yet.  Makes the fun of sticker-time much less fun for Mommy.

9.  I have decided that there will be some blog rearranging going on soon.  I think in the next two weeks.  Please be patient with me while I figure it all out - hopefully for the better!!!

10.  Some friends invited us over for dinner tonight, and that makes my day automatically a good one!  I not only get to hang out with other people, but I don't have to cook with rugrats at my feet, or clean up the mess that follows.  Score! 

Happy Tuesday all!


the swope family said...

5 - Let me know how you like it. I know lots of people who do it but don't know what the mixtures need to be!

7 - They also make the BEST Roasted Red Pepper Hummus. Not that you can eat it - but for everyone else who's reading this!

Colleen said...

When is Justin leaving? Let me know, we will plan another get together!