Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1. Sorry that I haven't been blogging lately. I been going through a phase where I just don't feel like I have anything to say! But I am coming out of that now, so look out!

2. I have a black thumb. While I would love to have plants all over my house, I just can't seem to keep them alive. This summer I managed to keep a basil plant for several months, so when I saw tomato plants at Trader Joe's a few weeks ago I decided to give it a try. And low and behold:

And we even ATE them! ;o)

3. I could never grow enough tomatoes to sustain the amount we eat in this house. We all LOVE these bright red jewels!

4. Kids just love to pick things off plants - it amazes me how entertaining it can be!

5. Paige takes off her clothes on her own now. All.The.Time. So the above picture is how she looks most days, though she does manage to leave clothes on in public -- so far.

6. I got my hair done on Saturday, and I feel like it matches Paige's hairdo all too well. Much shorter than I was hoping for! When a hairdresser says, "We can get rid of the last of those layers by just going a little shorter," ask for a number. How much exactly? Because nearly three inches is not a "little shorter" to me. Not even close.

7. I am, however, still blond. Which is rare because usually in the fall I start leaning toward darker, richer colors. Maybe I am not this year because it is still over a hundred degrees out. Not very fall-ish, if you ask me!

8. I always thought blond ended in an -e, but Blogger's spell check tells me no -e. Weird.

9. No big news on the baby front. I will not start hiding anything now, we are far beyond that point! Believe me when I say that when we know, you'll know.

10. I went back and forth a lot with combining my blogs - but I have finally reached a decision that I am going to it. Thank you all for your input! *snerk* I got very little input. My confusion was all my own doing, but I read a blog a few days ago that made up my mind. I am going to give it a shot. I am planning to do an announcement on here soon... and that will be when you need to change your feeds. I won't promise a date because I am no good at keeping those promises! Thanks for loving me anyway!!!

Happy Tuesday all!


the swope family said...

Love the pic of the girls! You always have clothed, clean kids in your pics (and I don't) so it made me giggle to read that she is constantly stripping down!

Tamara said...

Oh man - Paige is a girl after my heart - little nudy-pattoody -haha! Is that TMI? Just sayin'! Oh, and I SO wish I had your girlies here to help me make salsa yesterday - loads and loads of salsa - my first time at it - turned out delish! They would love all the "picking" up here in the Pacific NW... maybe someday... your tomatoes looked awesome though - can you grow some jalepenos and anaheims and onions - I could send you a salsa recipe!