Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Truth

That word has been on my mind and heart a lot lately.  TRUTH.  I just wanted to get these concepts out there so I can remember them, and perhaps get a little insight from you all.

I know that there is truth and there is fiction.  We try to pretend that there is a gray area... an in-between.  But there isn't.  Something is either true, or false.  Real or fake.  And if it is only partially true, then it is really false because it isn't completely true.  Black and white.  One or the other.

For women's bible study this year we are reading "Lies Women Believe".  And while I don't think I believe many lies, my actions say otherwise.  I live like I believe these lies.  There must be some way to erase the lies and write only truth onto my heart - but it doesn't come easy.  God is working on me, that much is clear -- but as always it is a process and not an instant fix.  Darn.  ;)

A few examples of the lies and truth that have been rolling around in my head this week:

Does my husband need me to be his helper by nagging or taking control, or am I to fulfill the role of help-mate quietly and from the background?

Is the purpose of being a parent to control the behavior of children so they become kids that are easy to be around, or to nurture and discipline them so they grow into adults who make a difference and are nice to be around?

Was marriage designed to make us happy, or to hone us and sharpen us through a convenant?

Is food intended to bring guilt and shame, or enjoyment and fulfillment?

Does my husband need MORE love from me, or does he thirst for RESPECT instead?

Would our purpose be to change our situation to make ourselves happiest, or to change ourselves to bring happiness to others?

Ahhh... I feel better.  Obviously these are lies (when you write them out it becomes very apparent), and the truth is what follows the word OR, but in day to day life - how many times do our actions speak of the lie that has deceived us?  "You wronged ME.  You have made ME unhappy and must be punished until I am happy again.  It is all about ME."   I would never say these words aloud, but when my children won't obey - that is what my actions say.  When I don't feel my needs have been met, I don't look for a way to meet others needs - instead I feel self-pity.

It makes my stomach turn to even think about it.  I just don't want to be the woman who puts herself as most important in her life.  Self-less not self-ish.  Truthful.

Now I repeat these truths to myself whenever I can, and try to remind myself of the person I long to be - so that I can make baby steps toward that goal.

Any lies you have been believing?  Put them out there - and call them what they are.  Let's remind each other of the truth!


Neloa said...

Hi Dear--WOW--sounds like your study is truly awakening your thoughts...It will be impossible to be self-less in this world...but it will be possible to value others more. It will be impossible to free yourself from lies...but Jesus came to testify to the Truth and God's word and His Love for us will produce Truth in us and in the end will be that which produces righteousness and beauty and transforms us...and that my dear will take a lifetime! Enjoy the journey!

Micaila said...

Wow! Great thoughts indeed! Made me stop and think.

Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

Okay, okay! I'll read the book! :)

Anonymous said...

it is a great book. very challenging.

Tamara said...

It's rare to have the opportunity to sit down and ponder deep things and then to have the words to put your thoughts into writing and share with others - its hard to do so this post was fun to read for me - since I especially enjoy when people open up and share their inmost thoughts and allow others to consider things that they may not otherwise have done. Your post made me smile because *darn* we just want things fixed NOW don't we - the process of life-long change seems so overwhelming... glad you have determined that little by little you will work toward this inner heart change - it can only bring goodness to dwell in a place of Truth instead of lies. I pray that God will over and over shed His light on the darkness and lies that Satan would try to weave into your life and that over and over you would see them for what they are and hold fast to righteousness and goodness and things that are good and pure and worthy of praise! Love you and appreciate you!