Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My girls at 23 months old

Here's one of those comparisons I love to do!  Each girl around 23 months old (click on it to see them bigger).  Just before turning two, just before potty training, just before talking my ears off!  They are so cute, I wish I could snuggle up the older two back at this age for just one minute.  Instead I will snuggle them as they are now and remember that I will be missing this time, today - missing it terribly in a few years!

On another note - I think the above images are proof that one can learn proper photographic techniques over time!  What a mess that first one is.  Practice, practice, practice!

That being said, I think I'll go get my camera!  =)

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Funny how each baby got less and less hair! Very sweet pics - tan little faces and bright happy eyes and smiles - love them!