Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1.  I am trying to have a sugar-free day today.  Zero sugar = grumpy Claire = not-too-fun ToT post. 

2.  I have a super busy week this week!  Seriously, it is the first time I have ever seen the squares of my calendar so covered over in ink.  I am looking forward to all of it though - accept maybe getting Daisy to the vet.  They always tell me she needs dental work - and I hate looking like the horrible pet-owner and blowing them off.

3.  Forming a sole-proprietorship is more paperwork than I was expecting.  I went from thinking starting my own business would be TOO hard (six months ago), to super easy (one month ago), to ugh-will-this-ever-actually-get-done (today). 

4.  On those same lines - am I the only one who thinks it is weird that Arizona has photographers charge sales tax?  Last I checked it was a service, not a retail item.  :oP

5.  Paige is finally starting to do a little better.  The poor thing and her lingering stomach-bug!  It has just wiped her out.  I am glad to see some more smiles on her face today!  And in the process, Justin awarded me the Mom-of-the-Year award (I won't mention how - it is just too gross), so I am eagerly awaiting the prize patrol on that one!  ;o)

6.  My puppy fever is offically gone.  LOL!  We watched my SIL's dog for three days and while she is super cute and lots of fun, I love that my Daisy is old and calm!  While I do want to have a puppy again, I just think it will be after our last child is out of diapers. 

7.  I went to the dentist last week.  I won't even tell you how long it has been.  Let's just say I hate despise loathe going to the dentist.  I was super nervous that there was going to be very bad reports involved.  But, even after all that time.... no issues!!!  Woo hoo!  I promise not to wait so long between cleanings this time.

8.  There are lots of photo shoots coming up for me in the next few weeks.  I can't wait!  If you or someone you know wants to jump on the freebie wagon I have a few dates open before the official launch of my business in July.  E-mail me and we will work something out!!!

9.  I was finally able to go get my hair done yesterday (because my sweet husband took off work early) - and I now officially feel out of the loop.  My hairdresser, the girl next to me, and her hairdresser were all talking about these TV shows and celebrity situations that I know nothing about.  As I was sitting there skimming the pages of People magazine I asked her who the Kardashians were, and all three of them looked at me like I had two heads.  Out of the loop, I tell you.  And sadly, I can blame it on us having no cable right now, but even if we did - I am quite sure I would still have no idea who was actually on "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!"  Oh well.

10.  Now I am offically on edge just waiting to get a call that I have to hurry to the hospital to photograph my first birth!  The baby's due date is tomorrow - which means I could be waiting a while still.  Or it could be today.  So excited about it!!!  I will be sure to give you all the details once it happens.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ten On Tuesday

1. I can't believe it's only Tuesday. Really, it feels like it has been a long week already!

2. Found an awesome deal on a new camera + tons of accessories for my new business. Yay for craigslist! Now if I can just pull everything together to go get it before someone else snatches it up from under me. UGH.

3. I had a very refreshing MNO last night at Postino with Colleen and Jaclyn! That is just the best no matter how you look at it! =)

4. The new website and blogs are *very* close to being done. I just have to figure out how to import my old blogs into them. Any ideas?

5. Thank you to all of you who helped with opinions of the new logo! For the record, I took the one most people liked and then tweaked it a little more. I hope everyone will like the results!

6. Remember when I said that I was going to do a 100th post with a giveaway like my awesome SIL Tamara? Well, it came and went without me noticing until days later! So, be on the lookout for that giveaway come launch day... promise!

7. My house has smelled like the yummy pot-roast that has been simmering in my crock-pot ALL DAY LONG. I am starving from smelling it!

8. I have resorted to bribing Lauren to take naps. This was our deal for this week - nap every day, Monday through Friday, and Friday night or Saturday you get to go to the movie theater! This was kind of a cop-out because I already wanted to take her to see "UP"... but she doesn't know that (can you hear my evil laughter?). It worked yesterday and today - so I am hopeful that after this week she will be back in the groove. Otherwise, I don't know how to top going to the movies - since they have snacks and candy there, you know.

9. Paige has started actually trying to say words! Woo hoo!!! I am impressed that she has one or two new ones every day. It was like she heard me tell the doctor at her 18 month appointment that she still doesn't talk that much. Kids always want to prove you wrong, even as toddlers! ;o)

10. Speaking of doctor's appointments, here were the girls' stats. Lauren's 4 year: 35 pounds (60th%), 41.5 inches (75th%). Paige's 18 month: 23 pounds, 9 ounces (48th%), 32 3/4 inches (76th%). And, I think the doctor has pretty much given up on their head circumferences after the time he went and measured my head to compare to Lauren. We are talking 99th% here. We just have big ol' girly heads, okay?!?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Teaching Paige Bad Habits (a series)

The girls were laying on the floor next to each other and giggling.  Being the photo-op mommy that I am, I grabbed my camera to capture the moment.  To my dismay, my oldest decides to stop all prior cuteness and give me this:

I am quite sure the shot is blurry due to my laughter, not their movement.  ;o)  Do you see Paige's intent stare?!?  Oh yeah, she is soaking it all in!

"Maybe feeling it will give me a better idea of how to accomplish this feat."

She was just laughing and carrying on as if the tongue was reaching out to get her and not the other way around.

"Ooooh!  This isn't so hard after all!"

Does anyone else think it is strange that Lauren just leaves her tongue out this whole time?!?  You would think it'd start to dry out.  At least she ceased the eye-crossing... at least for the moment.  Beautiful little weirdo!

Lastly, the oh-so-gorgeous portrait I obtained of my children that day:

LOL - adorable little stinkerbugs!

I am so thankful that they have each other, for moments like this and all the other moments of life as well!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


We had a great camping trip, even though it was quite cold and windy!  The girls had lots of fun with dirt and bugs, and though we were all on the tired side - I think it was well worth the effort!
Grandma Nel had many fun activities for the girls, including painting a rock garden! This was a great idea that I never would have thought of for camping trips!!!
The guys had activities of their own:

This is our friend Phil's razor - and it is quite zippy!!!

Grandma taking Lauren out for a ride on Papa Jody's quad (much less zippy).  ;o)

I just loved this picture - this one was taken before she discovered how truly great the dirt was!

Lauren and her cousin Jordan.  They are really like third-cousins, or second-cousins once removed, or something.  We will just call them plain ol' cousins - and they had a blast together!!!

My much-too-big girl ready to head out on a morning hike!  
She actually walked about two and a half miles, I was very impressed.

On our hike we found this lizard.  He lost his tail in the process, but Daddy managed to catch him - which was quite a feat!  Later that day we heard some friends of ours managed to catch the exact same lizard in that location, and that his tail was already missing!  What are the odds of that?!?

Lauren was really not worried about getting lost in the woods!

Cuddling up with Grandma Nel and going through rocks... garbage... treasures before we headed home.
Before I sign off - I want to send a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Grandma Joan (the girls' GG)!!!  She is an avid reader of this blog, and I want to say we love you and are thinking of you today!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


1.  We own our house!!!  It is official, we are homeowners.  Now to start the projects... and it is a looooong list!

2.  Camping was a blast - it was so nice because my mother-in-law managed to entertain Lauren pretty much every moment we were there!  So it was like camping with only one child!  ;o)

3.  I am starting my website for my photography business!  It is a lot of work.  Yipes!  I hope to have it up by the end of the week... so be on the lookout for a post on it soon!

4.  Speaking of... I have two shoots scheduled for this month!  I am so excited to be moving forward, and Justin has been uber-supportive!!! 

5.  And, get ready for this -- I am considering branching into birth photography.  BIRTH!  Me!  Unreal.  I was the woman who wanted NO ONE but my husband near me while I was delivering, so the thought of someone taking pictures?!?  But after becoming a mom and knowing how quickly your memories of that special day vanish into oblivion -- I am actually very passionate about providing this service to families.  I will let you know more as I figure it out!

6.  I still use way too many exclamation points.  But, if you know me... it is just how I talk.  So I guess it is appropriate.

7.  Had a hysterical lunch at Chik-fil-A Deer Valley today.  They are doing customer appreciation week - and we left with more stuff than we could carry!  A gallon of lemondade, two plush cows, two balloons, and coupons for free food next time.  There was the giant cow character, ringing of MANY cowbells, and a lemon-squeezing contest.  I have never seen such smiley employees - and I want to know how they got them to whoop and holler so much!  Free coffee?!?  It was a blast - if you live near here and have time this week, you should go! 

8.  I still can not say or type "holla!"  Just too white.  Sorry, Jaclyn!!!

9.  At her 18 month appointment, we found out Paige has a mild ear infection in her right ear.  I am praying that this does not mean she is going to follow in my ear-infection footsteps (I had many and had to have tubes in my ears that never fell out on their own).  So far, she hasn't complained about it at all - so I am hoping it will be gone quickly!

10.  Does anyone think it is a GOOD idea for kids to share a room?  This is our plan for the girls in about 12-18 months from now... but I have yet to have anyone else say they would/are doing it.  It makes me very nervous that they will hate it and make me hate it!!!  I have a long time to mull over that possibility.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1.  We are closing on the house today!!!  Signing papers in an hour... I can hardly even believe it.

2.  I am terrible about talking on the phone.  Seriously, if I say I will call you and I don't, or if you leave a message and I never seem to call back... I am so sorry.  It has nothing to do with you.  But the phone and I just don't get along very well.  And there are never enough hours in the day!

3.  I have been wrting my business plan for Claire Beeler Photography!  I can't even tell you how excited I am about this.  It will be a good two years before it is in full swing, but I am anxious to just start it and see what God does with it!  Next week I should be able to start up the website - so you all will very invited to check it out very soon!!!

4.  We are going camping this weekend and I am a mess of mixed feelings.  I love to camp, really.  But that was before camping involved watching over children under six years old.  I love to be outdoors, in the fresh air, away from crazy city life.  But I worry about sleep schedules, injuries, and having even more work to do than if I just stayed home.  But the optimist in me is hoping that this trip will be truly relaxing and refreshing.  I'll let you know.  ;o)

5.  Tomorrow is our nine year wedding anniversary.  How is that possible?!?  Nine years.  WOW.  I am so blessed to have my wonderful husband, and I love him more and more with every year that has come and gone!

6.  Speaking of, my dear friend Annie swooped in and volunteered to watch the girls so we could go out to dinner!  She is awesome ~ thanks in advance, Annie!  You have no idea how thrilled we are!!!  (I can say that because she doesn't have kids yet!)

7.  Lauren is back to refusing to nap.  She is crazy in the afternoon, wild, obnoxious, cranky.  But she will lay in her bed in her pitch black bedroom and be quiet, but not sleep.  I am at a loss.  She had been doing so well with napping for a while, and I had my chipper, happy, silly girl back.  I miss that girl these days...

8.  Paige says Mommy now!  Actually it is more like, "MAeee!"  But whatever.  I love it!  Daddy has gotten more than his fair share for the last six months, at least now I get thrown in there every once in a while!  She is also saying "Oren" (Lauren) occasionally, which is pretty great too!

9.  Any really great creative Father's Day ideas out there for really little ones to do?  I have not a crafty bone in my body and it is a real struggle for me to come up with unique things for a toddler to do who still puts everything in her mouth!!!

10.  Time to clean up before the lady from the title company gets here to sign papers.  Have a mentioned that I think keeping a house clean with small children is near impossible?!?  How do they manage to mess things up so quickly?  It is seriously like a super-power.

'Til next time!