Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ballet, take two!

Well, we made it to ballet class just fine today! *whew*

Waiting to go in...

Do my eyes decieve me?!? Is this a picture where BOTH of my children are looking AT.THE.CAMERA?!? I actually did a little happy dance when I took this one. I am sure the other moms did not think that was strange at all.

There are six other girls in Lauren's class - one turns five tomorrow, but the rest are recently four. They are so cute and sweet to each other and you can tell they just had a blast! Please forgive the pictures and the bad reflections of parents observing, I did the best I could from our outdoor viewing area. Yes, out-door... in September... in Phoenix. Ugh. Being the only parent there with a camera, I tried my best not to obstruct anyone's view or make them think I was annoying any more than they already did.

Stretching out - Lauren is just to the left of the instructor.

Lauren practicing her pliet. She was actually really into this - I was pleasantly suprised!

They ran around the room doing different moves before landing on the dots.

Lauren practicing to be a butterfly while waiting her turn -

Listening intently to the instructor - what a bunch of cuties!

As she raced out of the classroom, Lauren shouted, "That was SOOOO fun!!!"

I think that means we might have a little dancer on our hands. ;o)


Tamara said...

Woohoo - so sweet - a dancer... how perfect...

Colleen said...


Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

Too cute! I can't wait for my turn with Eden! That's what having a girl is all about!