Thursday, September 3, 2009


I have recently been feeling myself slack off in many areas of life. Sort of in a funk where I have little motivation to do much of anything other than necessary items - am I the only one who gets this way?

Today I might have pinpointed my problem. I am not on a schedule.

I am all about schedules... for other people. Namely, my children. From the time they are six weeks old they are scheduled - for feedings, naptime, playtime, outside-time, social-time, even television time. I do this because I realized very early on in motherhood that my children thrive under a schedule. They know what to expect from me, and I from them. That being said, I don't overschedule my children either, we try to leave room in the schedule for times where circumstances are out of the ordinary. If not, I believe my children would melt down when the schedule was not met. Especially Lauren, in all her first-born-ness. But that is a blog for a different day.

So, why not apply the same rule of thumb to my life - at least in general? The toughest part of being at home has to be the lack of scheduling of it all. No clock to punch, no boss to make sure you are at work on time, no real beginning or end of the workday. Now I am going to try to make myself a schedule, which I think is crucial at this time in my life because next year I will have to be more organized with my time since Lauren will be in school. At least I have a year to prepare!

So I have made one. Let's see if I can try and keep to it this next week! Within reason of course, because I don't want to be one of those women who turn down a morning of shopping with girlfriends because it is my day to wash the baseboards. That is just insanity (and yet another blog). I have this miracle invention called the iPhone, so it seems like I should be able to use it to keep my life more in order! I will let you know what I find, because I am betting the answer is not the general calendar function.

So, how do you all keep yourselves on track? Do you fly by the seat of your pants, or do you keep a calendar? I would love to hear any ideas!!!

And just because I hate to write without any sort of picture, here is a tidbit of my "Little Chef" helping with dinner the other night. I hope to instill a love of cooking in my children, and I think she is well on her way!


Catina said...

That is the cutest little picture : ) As for scheduling myself, I am still trying to nail down JT's schedule. He naps abour 9am, 1pm, and 3 pm. However, his naps usually consist of at least two of them being 30 min of crying followed by 30 min of napping. I try to get things done around the house when he's napping or in his swing or such.

Colleen said...

I have no schedule for myself, NONE! Let me know how it works, I may have to join you!

Tamara said...

Other then my little work calendar that functions as my "brain" - I don't have daily schedules for cleaning, cooking, projects, etc. I know when I'm working, whent the girls have "stuff" like pre-school, school, soccer practice - and I know when we all have Dr. appointments/dental appts./eye exams -- that in itself puts a lot on my days... on my days off it seems inevitable that certain chores scream for my attention along with grocery shopping and pet care (yes, cleaning out the guinea pig cage and now two fish bowls is time consuming!). I think I'm definitely a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of mom with a few reminders on the calendar - ha! You are so awesome to be techno-savvy with your i-phone. I love the pic of Lauren cooking with her hat on - can she actually get the can open with that opener - Ellie tries but doesn't have enough hand strength yet. I have peaches to can this afternoon - oh boy - hours on my feet in the kitchen - can't wait!

Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

I totally HAVE to have a schedule! Does that surprise you? I have a laundry schedule, a cleaning schedule, a couple days left open for appts, fun trips and shopping. I'm not so crazy that I am all out of sorts if things don't work out the way I planned, but it's nice to know just what I expect from myself in a day. It helps me to get things done that "need/have" to get done if I know that there is a day thrown in, or even a time of day thrown in that I can do whatever I want. Good luck figuring it all out. And while you are in schedule mode, why not schedule a trip to the "other side of the world" in there somewhere so you can visit your obnoxiously overshcheduled friends?! :)hehe