Wednesday, October 21, 2009





Wheeee... wait, where did they all go?

Oh, there they are.  =)

The drive was totally worth it.

Yes you are, sweet girl.

Happy fall to me!!!


Tamara said...

Couldn't possibly have too many pictures of that adorable girl - I LOVE them - all of them - love the words to the pics - she is expressing exactly what I wish we, as adults, could express in our joys over the little things in life - pure delight! Great photos - wish you were here to help me with my camera - the settings got messed up and I have no idea how to fix it - all of my pictures come out really dark even with the flash up - even outside - ugh!

Katie Thomson said...

Ugh! Soo super cute!
I am hoping we get just as cute ones on Saturday!

Colleen said...

SUPER CUTE CLAIRE, you are so talented!

Carrie said...

Love it! She's so beautiful!