Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1.  We are closing on the house today!!!  Signing papers in an hour... I can hardly even believe it.

2.  I am terrible about talking on the phone.  Seriously, if I say I will call you and I don't, or if you leave a message and I never seem to call back... I am so sorry.  It has nothing to do with you.  But the phone and I just don't get along very well.  And there are never enough hours in the day!

3.  I have been wrting my business plan for Claire Beeler Photography!  I can't even tell you how excited I am about this.  It will be a good two years before it is in full swing, but I am anxious to just start it and see what God does with it!  Next week I should be able to start up the website - so you all will very invited to check it out very soon!!!

4.  We are going camping this weekend and I am a mess of mixed feelings.  I love to camp, really.  But that was before camping involved watching over children under six years old.  I love to be outdoors, in the fresh air, away from crazy city life.  But I worry about sleep schedules, injuries, and having even more work to do than if I just stayed home.  But the optimist in me is hoping that this trip will be truly relaxing and refreshing.  I'll let you know.  ;o)

5.  Tomorrow is our nine year wedding anniversary.  How is that possible?!?  Nine years.  WOW.  I am so blessed to have my wonderful husband, and I love him more and more with every year that has come and gone!

6.  Speaking of, my dear friend Annie swooped in and volunteered to watch the girls so we could go out to dinner!  She is awesome ~ thanks in advance, Annie!  You have no idea how thrilled we are!!!  (I can say that because she doesn't have kids yet!)

7.  Lauren is back to refusing to nap.  She is crazy in the afternoon, wild, obnoxious, cranky.  But she will lay in her bed in her pitch black bedroom and be quiet, but not sleep.  I am at a loss.  She had been doing so well with napping for a while, and I had my chipper, happy, silly girl back.  I miss that girl these days...

8.  Paige says Mommy now!  Actually it is more like, "MAeee!"  But whatever.  I love it!  Daddy has gotten more than his fair share for the last six months, at least now I get thrown in there every once in a while!  She is also saying "Oren" (Lauren) occasionally, which is pretty great too!

9.  Any really great creative Father's Day ideas out there for really little ones to do?  I have not a crafty bone in my body and it is a real struggle for me to come up with unique things for a toddler to do who still puts everything in her mouth!!!

10.  Time to clean up before the lady from the title company gets here to sign papers.  Have a mentioned that I think keeping a house clean with small children is near impossible?!?  How do they manage to mess things up so quickly?  It is seriously like a super-power.

'Til next time!


Colleen said...

Congrats on the house, I too think it is impossible to keep my house clean with little kiddos! One step forward, two steps back! BLAH!

I will have to think of a crafty Father's Day gift!

Anonymous said...

Yea for your house! That must really be a load off. And congratulations on 9 years! You two are so cute! I'm glad you make each other so happy. :)

Tamara said...

Yay!!! I missed your TonT last week - it is good to hear that the house has gone through and that you are going to get to celebrate your 9 years with a date night followed by camping - I'm jealous of your camping - wish we were going with you -- the girls have never been camping outside of our front yard and that was a one-nighter - actually it was MISERABLE sleeping and I was SO thankful to run inside in the morning and go potty and make my coffee... but I love the idea of camping out in nature by water...

Catina said...

Congrat's on your new house.
Will you be moving closer to me : ) Your children are adorable.

the swope family said...

Happy 9 years!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! It does go by fast. Ours is in August... amazing. Congrats on the house. Enjoy making over your "new" place!

Carrie said...

Happy Anniversary!