Sunday, August 23, 2009

A little whiney

1.  Today was kind of a lonely day for me, starting to feel the effects of day #4 without Justin.  It amazes me how my house can be so noisy and yet feel so empty at the same time!   Then I packed up the girls after naptime and headed to Jaclyn's house ~ we have been able to see each other three times in three days, and since misery loves company it has been fabulous to hang out with her.  We roll our eyes at our children, complain about our husbands' hobby requiring time away, and then just laugh together about it.  Suddenly my day wasn't lonely any more!
2.  The speed cameras in Phoenix annoy me.  Not just because you can't speed, but because people freak out when they see them.  Do you really think you need to go 55 on I-10?!?  It is like all of a sudden people forget what the speed limit is and start driving 10 mph slower than it!  I think you can go seven over without it flashing you, so just go the speed limit peeps!  And, if you truly don't know what the speed limit is, I don't think you should be driving.  Pay attention!  Argh!
3.  Jaclyn mentioned on her blog a Matthew West song that has been speaking to her.  I love that song, and I thought I would share the one that has been speaking to me, Natalie Grant - Perfect People (but only part of the lyrics):

there's no such thing as perfect people
there's no such thing as a perfect life
so come as you are, broken and scarred
lift up your heart and be amazed, 

and be changed
by a perfect god

Suddenly its like a weight is lifted
when you hear the words that you are loved
he knows where you are
and were you've been
and you never have to go there again

Who lived, and died, to give you life
to heal our inperfections
so look up, and see love, and let grace be enough

This song is so me right now - trying to let go of all the things the world tries to tell me are important.  Love it.

4.  There are many things I have found I don't do when Justin is gone: wear makeup (only mascara for three days!), put my purse away, cook full meals - instead of three or four items we have been having one... two if you count popsicles, make the bed, remember when the trash day is, go to bed on time or sleep well once I am in bed.
5.  Things I have found I only do when Justin is gone: have Daisy sleep in the bed with me, watch movies every night, double check that every door in the house is locked, sit quietly and do nothing, sleep with my phone on the bed next to me... just in case.
Ugh, now I hear the occasional chirp of a smoke detector.  I wonder which one it is.  Hopefully not in the girls' rooms!!!  That should be fun to figure out and replace at 10PM.  Definitely something that would fall onto my "honey-do" list. 

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